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Offering of God

“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” -Hebrews 10:14

There is an offering of God. It is the life of his Son, Jesus our Lord given in sacrifice for sin. This single sacrifice once made sets aside the work of the enemy and begins God’s good work in us as people of faith in Jesus his Son. This is a work that the writer to the Hebrews describes as a process of “being sanctified.” What he means is that Jesus’ offering sanctifies or “sets us apart,” changing us day to day as we grow in faith’s dependence upon him. This good work of God is a work to be finally completed in glory.

This great offering of God’s Son on our behalf reminds us of our lives offered to him in return. These are lives lived in praise and in response to his saving grace! This is the time of year we tend to reflect on our giving and our living. Scripture says we’re stewards of God’s mysteries, meaning his gifts. This means we are servants who are entrusted with the care of the Master's property and interests. We are people given so much. We are entrusted with all that we have and our very lives to be lived on his behalf. Having been so blessed we give back our praise and thanks in all we say and do, in who are as people saved by his grace!


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