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We Commemorate! We Celebrate!

In the church year, we commemorate, and we celebrate together in his Name! We share in the remembrance of the great events of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Soon we will celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord. We confess his ascension in the words of the Creed each week. We believe and give thanks that our Lord was raised as our Savior, raised to pray for us as his own people. Now crowned as the ascended King he brings in his kingdom through the preaching of the gospel.


We plan to celebrate The Ascension of Our Lord. Jesus’ ascension took place forty days after

his resurrection. We will therefore meet on Thursday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m. to celebrate in the full Divine Service! Please join us for this special service. Following upon Ascension is the

celebration of Pentecost. The day of Pentecost took place fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection. At that time, our Lord delivered his promised Spirit, God’s Heavenly Help to draw all and build the kingdom. We will celebrate this day on Saturday and Sunday, May 18th, and 19th of this season. As we round out this important time in the church year we will share in worship on The Feast of the Holy Trinity at our services, Saturday and Sunday, May 25th and 26th. We will give thanks to our Lord for his goodness and grace as he reveals himself in this great mystery; the Three in One and the One in Three. Then will begin the long season of Trinity, a season of faith’s growth in the church year.


Join us as we share these great moments of faith together. For in the church year, we commemorate, and we celebrate his presence among us always!


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