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Divine Service

For where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

St. John is a worshipping church! With three services held each week the Lord regularly serves us as his people. It is a holy moment in his presence as we gather together. We call this the Divine Service. This title goes back to Germany at the time of the Reformation. Translated from the German (literally “God’s Service) we call our worship Divine Service. This title is very much in keeping with the thrust of the Church of the Reformation. As we gather it is very much God's service toward us as his people. In the Divine Service God meets us and calls us in his word and Spirit that we might set our minds on things above.

There is very much a rhythm to the service, for in it God speaks his word to us and then we respond. From the Invocation to the Scripture readings and then on to the Holy Supper the Lord is acting among us. There he speaks his words, he cleanses from sin, and instructs us in our faith. Throughout the service we continue to respond in thanks and praise as we share together this moment of heaven on earth. The rhythm is from God to his people and from his people back to God. We then leave the Sanctuary refreshed with our God’s heavenly gifts!

We anticipate returning to Divine Service Setting 3 over Labor Day weekend. With Divine Service Setting 3 St. John recovers its roots! This service is the old “Common Service” which was the prevailing English Liturgy in use since 1888 by Lutheran Congregations across America. It seems that St. John began to use this setting back in 1919 and continued its use with the Lutheran Hymnal (TLH) which was produced in 1941. St. John continued to worship with this setting for the majority of its history as did the majority of American Lutheran Churches over the years.

St. John is a worshipping church. May the Lord bless us this coming season as we regularly share the Divine Service among us!


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