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Hearing is believing!

Your decrees are very trustworthy;

holiness befits your house, O Lord, forevermore.

Your throne is established from of old;

you are from everlasting.

Taken from the Introit for Christmas 1:

Psalm 93:1, 3–4; antiphon: vv. 5, 2

As I considered my newsletter article for the beginning of the new year, I could think of no topic more appropriate than something that might focus us all on the words of our God! In this “information age” in which we live it seems that words have less meaning than ever before. Words are for texting, posting, or blogging. Words are often for advertising or for promoting self or some personal view. As a result, words today are easily overlooked, deleted, or forgotten….

The Introit psalm for the first Sunday after Christmas begins the worship saying, “Your decrees are very trustworthy…” God says in his words that we live in a world where Satan, the god of this age, has blinded the minds of people, so that they cannot see the light of God’s word and don't want to see it either. So many today often doubt God’s words/the Bible in relation to life as if it no longer applies.

Social values that change with the times have no bearing on our God’s eternal words. When it comes to the things of our lives God has not changed his mind. He means what he has to say and he stands by it still today! His words still command obedience and can still be trusted to guide and save our very souls! What’s more, faith comes to us and is sustained in us as we hear such words of our Lord. In this sense hearing is believing, for his words are Spirit and they are life!

The Catechism reminds us that we are to gladly hear and learn our God’s words. As 2022 begins let us commit ourselves afresh to reading and hearing God’s words in his word and worship. As the year progresses may we be listening in faith, trusting in all he has to say! May the Lord this coming year enable us to hear with ears of faith, with unquestioning acceptance! In a world of words that are ever changing, far from being outdated, your Father’s words remain! All of his words are “very trustworthy.”


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